
Trucker health coming into focus amid shortage

Trucker health coming into focus amid shortage

There are many reasons why trucker turnover remains high even as other aspects of the job - such as pay and perks - continually improve.
Fuel prices rising, affecting trucking industry

Fuel prices rising, affecting trucking industry

Each year, the cost of fuel for passenger vehicles and commercial trucks starts to rise around the start of the summer, as more people hit the road and demand rises.
Apprenticeship, ELD assisting truckers

Apprenticeship, ELD assisting truckers

Truck drivers have seen a wealth of new technologies and educational programs come to fruition in the past decade, and the results have been largely positive.
Trucker shortage continues to grab headlines

Trucker shortage continues to grab headlines

One puzzling aspect of the national trucker shortage, at least to outsiders, is often the fact that drivers are fairly well-paid in comparison with many other positions with similar credential requirements.
5 quick tips for a healthy trucking lifestyle

5 quick tips for a healthy trucking lifestyle

Truck drivers have a wide range of health risks to combat, but plenty of research has been conducted and released to help these individuals avoid such occupational hazards.
Changes need to protect truckers from trains

Changes need to protect truckers from trains

Several recent accidents have increased concerns related to trucker safety in the light of both traditional and more technologically advanced trains.


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