Truckers need exercise, and it's easy to do

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The life of a trucker isn't always easy and one of the biggest challenges drivers face is how they're able to stay healthy. Between greasy truck stop meals, difficulty sleeping and a lack of clear opportunities to stay fit, the profession can really take its toll on a driver's body. However, health experts say there's plenty of time in a trucker's day to get in even a little exercise, and it can really pay off.

When people think of "getting exercise," they may often think only about heading to the gym for an hour, going for a long bike ride, or running a few miles, but for truckers that often just isn't feasible, according to physical therapist and athletic trainer Joe Black, writing for The Daily Times. Even little efforts throughout the day to stay a little more active can go a long way for professional drivers who spend so much of their time sitting behind the wheel.

What can be done?
One thing Black recommends is that truckers get a little exercise in the morning - something as simple as stretching properly for 10 or 15 minutes (as with yoga) or getting in some jumping jacks or push-ups - could be beneficial. For one thing, "getting the blood flowing" in the morning is a way to really boost the metabolism for the rest of the day, meaning drivers will be healthier and feel better for hours to come. But even beyond that, it will help set a routine of "this is just what I do in the morning" that can provide good returns for a long time to come.

And while yoga may seem like something some truckers wouldn't like, it has been proven to be a big help for those who participate, according to Go By Truck. A driver-focused yoga company called Mother Trucker Yoga recently conducted a survey of its clients, and found that more than 60 percent of those who participated said they were further motivated to exercise more often, and about 40 percent decided to eat healthier as well. Perhaps most important for drivers, though, is that about 80 percent said they saw less stress in their daily lives because of the exercise.

Mother Trucker Yoga's program videos ask truckers to stretch for just 3-5 minutes at a time, and are focused on helping drivers who are dealing with specific aches and pains, the report said.

"Even with my limited mobility, I was able to do the yoga that is provided via video instruction for truckers," company co-founder Phil Knuckey told the site. "So, if I can do it, anyone can do it."

Building it out
Of course, just getting in a little yoga or calisthenics should only be a part of a trucker's overall approach to better health, according to Big Truck Driver Resources. It's also important for drivers to make sure they see a doctor regularly, eat healthy and set goals for themselves so they're consistently striving toward something.

The more truckers can do to take a holistic approach to staying healthy, the better off they will be in the job - for the long term.

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