The FAR E-Verify cause for federal contractors [Video]
Typically, E-Verify requirements depend on location. For federal contractors though, a contract clause determines whether it's mandatory. The Federal Acquisition Regulation, or FAR, clause requires contractors to use E-Verify.
This clause may be included when several standards are met. The contract should last 120 days or more and be worth over $150,000. In addition, at least some of the work should be based in the U.S. If a federal contract meets these standard, the FAR clause may be included.
Employers considering contracting with the federal government should brush up on E-Verify processes and requirements. There's a chance, depending on the contract, they may be required to use it.
If you're looking for more information on the FAR E-Verify clause, the government offers a webinar on it.
Links and more information on the bimonthly presentations can be found on the U.S. Customs and Immigration Services website.