A guide to Form I-9 remote hiring requirements [Video]

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There are numerous Form I-9 situations employers deem confusing. For example, sometimes it isn't clear how remote hiring should be handled. Hiring professionals may wonder who should handle certain From I-9 responsibilities in these cases. 

Well, it turns out it's OK for employers to hire notaries or other authorized personnel to fill out the Form I-9 for people who live far away. In these cases, it is important that the representatives handle all I-9 responsibilities. 

This means reviewing employee-provided documents such as passports and licenses, ensuring that Section one is properly completed and filling out Section two. This individual must review the identification documents and complete Section two in person. 

I-9 Remote can be used to help employers complete remote hires. The cloud-based software offers users a network of notaries and electronic signature options. It's also mobile-enabled. This I-9 solution will help employers make sure they don't make mistakes during the remote hiring process. 

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